In recent months, several pro-war Telegram channels have been actively recruiting Russian-speaking individuals in Europe to spy on NATO forces. These groups encourage civilians to gather and send critical intelligence on military installations in exchange for training and guidance. A Telegram bot dedicated to the cause has emerged, where people can share the locations of enemy bases, and even receive detailed instructions on how to assist.
A journalist from Novaia Gazeta Europe infiltrated one of these groups, posing as a volunteer willing to help the Russian military. After joining the Telegram channel, the journalist was promptly contacted and provided with clear directions. These included photographing NATO operations, purchasing local maps, and gathering intelligence on military equipment storage and troop movements, especially near NATO’s Belarus border.
The group is believed to be led by Ksenia Temnik, a prominent figure in the Russian military’s occupation administration in Crimea. Despite the channel’s modest size, its posts are frequently shared in larger pro-Russia Telegram groups, reaching a much broader audience. It is also revealed that Temnik manages multiple pro-war groups, amplifying the scope of the operation.
The journalist was provided with security tips to evade detection, including deleting all compromising evidence and constructing fake backstories. Despite claims of caution and low-level operations, the recruitment materials hinted at larger sabotage goals. The Russians assured the volunteers that they would assist them if things went wrong, though the specifics of their support remain unclear.
In addition to recruitment for espionage, European countries have witnessed rising incidents of sabotage and vandalism linked to Russian intelligence services. From acts of arson in Latvia to plans for bombing military sites in Germany, authorities have arrested numerous individuals suspected of being recruited through these covert Telegram channels. With increasing evidence of Russian espionage activities, these Telegram-based operations continue to pose a significant threat to European security.